Holy Name is excited to welcome junior high students on campus this Fall. 2024 Namer for a Day Visits will begin Tuesday, September 10.
Experience what life would be like as a member of the HN family by shadowing a current Holy Name Ambassador.
Available dates can be found in the registration forms below:
Register here for a September Namer for a Day Visit
Register here for an October Namer for a Day Visit
Register here for a November Namer for a Day Visit
Register here for a December Namer for a Day Visit
For all visit days, please note the following:
If you would prefer to visit on the weekend or in the evenings, you may join us for a small, private tour. For more information, visit the Tour Holy Name section of our website.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions team:
Ms. Keri Wach, Director of Admissions: kwach@holynamehs.com or 440-886-0300 ext. 100