Earlier this summer, Michael Piszczor '74 walked all the way from Holy Name Church on Harvard and Broadway, to Holy Name High School on Queens Highway!
We congratulate all of our underclassmen students who were recognized for exceptional academic and service achievements at their respective grade level award assemblies in May!
The President's Award for Educational Excellence, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, helps school administrators recognize those students who have achieved high academic goals.
The 16 Class of 2024 students pictured here were nominated by our faculty to receive the annual Triple Threat Award because they have exhibited throughout their four years what it means to be a true Namer.
Under the careful eye of Andy Krakowiak '73, this year's ETK Golf Classic raised more than $39,000 for the ETK Scholarship at Holy Name! In 2024-2025, 16 Green Wave students will each receive a $1,000 renewable scholarship thanks to those who support the fund.