The Health and Physical Education Department focuses on the development of healthy life-style choices. Knowledge gained in Health Education gives students the opportunity to acquire accurate information and fosters the establishment of values and attitudes, and consequently, behavioral choices that promote a healthy lifestyle.
Physical Education helps to develop and maintain good health and wellness. The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.
1. TESTS will be administered periodically. Normally, this will be at the conclusion of each chapter or subject area covered in class. Tests may include multiple choice, true-false, matching, short answer, & essay questions.
2. QUIZZES may be announced ahead of time, but this is not the rule. Not lengthy, quizzes are used as a check on reading or homework assignments. They should always serve as motivation for daily study and preparation.
3. IN CASE OF ABSENCE FROM CLASS, it is the student’s responsibility to see their teacher upon their return to school regarding assignments, etc. Students will have to get the class notes from someone else in the class.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT THE DAY OF A TEST but were in class the meeting day previous to the test day, you are expected to take the test in class on the day of your return. If you are absent on the meeting day previous to the test day, you must take the test one day after you return, AFTER school or during class time if feasible.
4. NOTEBOOKS are to be brought to class daily. All students must maintain a neat, single-subject notebook. Notebooks will be graded on neatness and completeness.
Students are required to have their own matching Holy Name PHYSICAL EDUCATION t-shirts and shorts. White or black (Nike, etc.) athletic socks and clean shoes must be worn in the gym, while any old athletic shoes are fine for outdoor use. Last names must be printed on shorts and shirts. NO SAGGING!
In the case of illness, a student may be excused from class if they have a note written and signed by their parents or guardian.
** If you are not going to dress for gym, bring your excuse note to school that same morning, otherwise points will be deducted.
A temporary excuse may be granted for a period LONGER than 2 class periods if the student has a note from a physician. (Example: sprained ankle).
Granted to a student with long-term disability such as a fracture. These students will be assigned to a study hall. Permanent excuses are acceptable only from a physician.
Each student is given the opportunity to use a box locker, or a green, half-length locker for the year. A lock may be placed on these lockers. A $1.00 fee will be assessed for the return of lost items!
Students are required to participate in class actively and constructively. This involves outside preparation (completing reading and writing assignments), attention during lectures and presentations, involvement in class discussions, and participation in small group activities.
In order to fulfill graduation requirements, a student must complete .5 credit of Physical Education and .5 credit of Health. These requirements are to be completed during the freshman and sophomore years.
Every freshman is required to complete Health-810H during the freshman year.
Every freshman is required to complete Physical Education I-811 during the freshman year.
Every sophomore is required to complete Physical Education II-812 during the sophomore year.
Students will be assessed on a variety of levels:
Written tests and quizzes
Short research-type writing