To provide you with the opportunity to meet the faculty members who teach your students, the administration and staff of Holy Name High School have planned a “Meet the Faculty” program for Thursday, September 8 from 5:30 PM to 7 PM. Although not required, all parents and guardians are cordially invited to attend.
Based on the parental survey results from Fall 2021, this year’s program will be different as compared to those done in the past. Instead of there being a schedule to follow, you are invited to ‘drop in’ and see whichever faculty members you would like during the 5:30 PM to 7 PM time frame. You can visit with all of your child’s teachers, or just with a few. A parent can arrive anytime beginning at 5:30 PM with the evening ending promptly at 7 PM.
Please ask your student for a copy of his/her class schedule. You can then bring that information with you the evening of September 8 so you can locate the faculty members you would like to see. Guidance Counselors will be in their offices. The Team Shop will be open!
Certain faculty members will be unavailable that evening. Those faculty members will inform their students of that fact prior to September 8. The Main Office will also have the list of faculty members who are unavailable the evening of the event.
This opportunity is for parents/guardians only. If you are unable to attend this year’s “Meet the Faculty” but would like to speak with your student’s teachers, please email them to arrange a future phone call or meeting.
Please contact the Main Office with any additional questions. We look forward to yet another wonderful school year! Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.